Botanical Illustration Poster
(Colour pencils and ink)
In this project I was required to produce botanical illustrations of any fruit or vegetable, then use those illustrations in combination with digital type to create a poster. The focus of the project was on illustration accuracy and colour blending.
Storybook Illustration
(Watercolour and ink)
Given a choice from five excerpts from different children’s storybooks, the project involved exploring an alternate interpretation of the chosen passage and then conveying it through illustration. I chose to antithesise conventional children’s picture books by pursuing a more horror themed interpretation of the text.
Caricature Illustration
(Colour pencil)
This project required me to select any fictional or iconic person to then create a caricature of. In the drafting stage I had to show evidence of experimenting with emphasising different features, choosing the option that best represented the person for the final. I chose Dwight Schrute from The Office.